Sponsorship – sports and culture are not mutually exclusive

CKM Kondring Montagen GmbH & Co. KG in Vreden

SpVgg Vreden 1921 e.V.

As a premium and project partner, CKM Kondring Montagen GmbH & Co. KG is closely associated with SpVgg Vreden 1921 e.V.
Together with the German Sports University Cologne, the project is supervised to promote children and young people in sports and on a personal level. The Football and Athletics Association of Westphalia (FLVW) honours this enormous commitment and expresses its thanks as runners-up for the FLVW Future Prize.
However, SpVgg Vreden is not only active here in the region. There is also a partner club in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. In 2009, the opportunity arose to fly there with the U17 team and participate in a youth tournament. In addition to the successful football tournament, in which the team from Vreden were runners-up, the youngsters visited a home for orphans with AIDS. Accordingly, this visit not only promoted athletic but also social competencies.

Brass band

The managing director of CKM Kondring Montagen GmbH & Co. KG is a member of the Bürgerschützenverein St. Georg association, which is why the brass and fanfare band Vreden is very close to his heart. Because it is important to CKM to support associations that maintain cultural life.

Just imagine a riflemen’s festival without brass and fanfare music!?

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